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Старый 27.10.2011, 04:14   #1  
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: CRM 2011 Charts – Charting on Related Records

This blog demonstrates how to create a chart from data in the current entity alongside data from related entities.

Let’s take the following scenario:

A Not For Profit Organization is using CRM 2011 to track the pledges and donations made by their donors.
Each pledge a donor makes has a Pledge Amount and will have 1 to * donations associated to it. Each Donation has a Cash-Value and a Status. The Status will have one of the following values: Outstanding, Processing, or Collected.

The CRM user that is responsible to manage the pledges for a given cause needs to be able to quickly see the status of a given pledge i.e. the original amount of the pledge and the amount collected. One possibility is to show the following chart in the Pledge form:

  • Pledged is the Pledge Amount. This value is only available in the Pledge entity (e.g. $1000).
  • Collected is the sum of all the Cash-Value of the Donations that have been collected. (e.g. three donations @ $200 have been collected)
We will cover how to:
  • Display the value of a field (Pledge Amount) from the current entity (Pledge) in the chart. This is not possible out of the box because a chart can only display field values from a related entity (Donation).
  • Display the sum of the values (Cash-Value) of related entities (Donation) having a specific Status (collected).

To create this chart and display it in the Pledge form, do the following:

1. Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.

2. Create a Pledge entity with the field ‘Pledge Amount’ and a Donation entity with the fields ‘Cash-Value’ and ‘Status’.

3. Open the Donation entity

4. Create a new bar chart

5. Create a series for the field Cash Value.

6. Open the Pledge main form

7. Add a One Column Section

8. Insert a Sub-Grid. Enter the unique Name and Label. Select the entity (Donations) and the default View. Also check the box ‘Show Chart Only’ in order to hide the sub-grid.

9. In the formatting tab, set the number of rows to 12

10. Save, Close, and Publish all the customizations

11. Open a Pledge form

12. You will see the following chart.

13. Add a Global OptionSet in order to be able to change the legends’ labels
  • Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.
  • Click on ‘Option Sets’ in the left pane and click on the menu item ‘New’
  • Add the 2 Options: Pledged and Collected.

14. Now we have to manually modify the chart.

15. Export the chart.
  • Go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.
  • On the left pane, select Components > Entities > Donations > Charts
  • Select the chart ‘Pledge Status By Amount’
  • Click on the ‘More Actions’ > Export Chart and save the chart on your hard drive

16. Open in your favorite XML editor or notepad

17. Replace the generated with the following:

  • The first Customize the System.</span></span>
  • On the left pane, select Components > Entities > Donations > Charts.
  • Click on the &lsquo;More Actions&rsquo; > Import Chart and browse to the modified chart on your hard drive. Click OK.
  • Import will find that the chart is a duplicate. When asked, select &lsquo;Replace&rsquo;.
23. Publish all the customizations.

24. Open a Pledge entity.

Final result


We have showed you how to manually modify CRM 2011 charts in order to:
  • Display the value of a field from the current form
  • Display the filtered value of the field from a related entity
  • Rename the legends&rsquo; labels
For more information on how to further modify the CRM 2011 charts, see also the blogs

&ldquo;CRM 2011 Charts &ndash; Know the Real Potential&rdquo;, Part 1 and Part 2.

Christian J. Betrisey

Here is the full chart XML that we modified in this example:


Pledge Status by Amount



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