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Старый 27.10.2007, 04:23   #1  
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Dynamics AX: DAXguy - DAX and the .Net CLR
DAXGuy over at Link did a great write up on Dynamics AX and the .Net CLR interoperation and concept. You can check out the article here: Dynamics AX - CLR interop

What I want to point out is that this is an integration / interoperation between Dynamics AX and .Net. Right now in the current version Dynamics AX is .Net 'aware' but is not a native .net application or framework. In the future, and this is the important part, this will not be the case. In future releases, Dynamics AX will be more and more wrote in .Net and those that develop in X++ will do so from Visual Studio.

I think this is a great move, and support this. There are some questions in my mind for how the data model will be handeled, but I don't think the simplistic way that X++ allows data manipulation of it's managed tables will go away. So thanks DAXGuy for the great post!

Check back soon!

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