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Старый 24.01.2013, 22:27   #5  
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- Устранено возможное срабатывание индикации синтаксических ошибок в окне кода после обработки блока объявления переменных;

//AXAligner ver. 1.1 beta (for AX 2009, AX 2012)
//Developed by alex55 (, 23.01.2013
//Home page:
//Aligns first and second borders from the left for selected block of a code
public void aAXAligner(Editor _editor)
    #define.Space(' ')
    #define.AllFirstNonSpaceChars('<[^: ]*')

    int i;
    int leftBorderWidth;
    int firstRowLength;
    int maxSecondLeftBorderWidth = 0;
    int startLine = _editor.selectionStartLine();
    int endLine   = _editor.selectionEndLine();
    int columnNum = _editor.selectionEndCol();

    List         list       = new List(Types::Container);
    TextBuffer   textBuffer = new TextBuffer();
    ListIterator iterator;

    void getMaxSecondLeftBorderWidth(str _row)
        int newRowLength;
        int secondLeftBorderWidth;
        int rowLength;

        _row = strltrim(_row);

        rowLength = strlen(_row);

        textBuffer.replace(#AllFirstNonSpaceChars, #EmptyString);

        newRowLength = strlen(strltrim(textBuffer.getText()));

        secondLeftBorderWidth = rowLength - newRowLength;

        list.addEnd([secondLeftBorderWidth, rowLength, _row]);

        if (secondLeftBorderWidth > maxSecondLeftBorderWidth)
            maxSecondLeftBorderWidth = secondLeftBorderWidth;

    str alignSecondLeftBorder()
        int secondLeftBorderWidth;
        int rowLength;
        str secondLeftBorderString;
        str row;

        [secondLeftBorderWidth, rowLength, row] = iterator.value();

        secondLeftBorderString  = substr(row, 1, secondLeftBorderWidth);
        secondLeftBorderString += strrep(#Space, maxSecondLeftBorderWidth - secondLeftBorderWidth);

        return strrep(#Space, leftBorderWidth) + secondLeftBorderString + substr(row, secondLeftBorderWidth + 1, rowLength - secondLeftBorderWidth);

    str getEditorRow(int _rowNum)

        return _editor.currentLine();

    void replaceEditorRow(int _rowNum, str _row)

    //Fixes editor's errors indication
    void refreshEditor()
        _editor.gotoLine(endLine + 1);
        _editor.gotoLine(endLine + 1);

    if (startLine >= endLine)

    firstRowLength  = strlen(getEditorRow(startLine));
    leftBorderWidth = firstRowLength - strlen(strltrim(getEditorRow(startLine)));

    for (i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)

    iterator = new ListIterator(list);

    i = startLine;

    while (iterator.more())
        replaceEditorRow(i, alignSecondLeftBorder());;

ax2009, ax2012, ax3.0, ax4.0, tools, x++, законченный пример, инструменты, полезное, форматирование кода


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