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Старый 03.08.2012, 12:11   #1  
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palleagermark: Using Team Foundation Service with AX 2012

Microsoft is working on enabling Team Foundation Server as a cloud based service. You can try it out for free for the time being and you can even use it with AX 2012.

You can up for the service here:

In order to connect to the site from AX (and Visual Studio) you need to install the following:
  • Visual Studio 2010 SP1
  • KB2662296 for Visual Studio 2010 SP1
If AX is open when installing KB2662296, you'll need to restart it before configuring version control.

The address for the Team Foundation Server to use for setup in AX is:

The rest of the setup in AX is the same as usual.

These sources made it possible for me to figure this out - thanks:
TFS connection string using TFS preview
First Experience of tfspreview, connect to tfspreview using VS 2010

I haven't tried to use this from AX 2009, but I'd imagine that would work as well.

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