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Старый 01.03.2018, 00:12   #1  
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alirazazaidi: Sales Quotations Dynamics 365 for Finance and operations.

In response to Customer/ prospect  request for quotation. Sale and marketing department generate Sales Quotations.

This Sales quotation can be generate existing customer. Otherwise D365 OF provide functionality to  register sales Quotation against Prospect.

When Customer Response against Sales Quotation, We can confirm Sales Quotation convert to Sales Sale order and Prospect convert to Customer.

Similar to Sales order , Sale quotation is added in lines section.  When entry is complete, from top menu and sent Sales quotation, Print can be generated.

There are multiple options available against Sales Quotations as response. We can find these options are available on “follow up” top tab menu.

Confirm:, Customer send confirmation so Sales Quotation convert to into Sales Order.

Cancel:  Sales Quotations can be cancel, possible there will be no response form Prospect.

Lost quotation:  In the case of another company won the quotation we can set as Lost.  It is some kind of cancel. After that quotation is closed for edit.

Two options also found in sales and marketing parameter form.

You find in General tab

Days campaign  expire, means sales quotation automatic expire the create of sales quotation.

Sales follow up date automatically created quotation creation date plus date mentioned here.

Sales follow up means, date of sales Quotation is created plus days mentioned here in setup.

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