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Старый 02.05.2007, 22:10   #1  
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casperkamal: #InventDimDevelop macro in Dynamics Ax

   This is one Macro that we would come across frequently in Ax. But if we check out the Macro node all weu would find is a empty node with only a comment as shown below.

   /* used to locate code with direct dimension references */
Even then it is a very significant macro, because it helps you identify all the places in Ax that directly affect Inventory dimensions. Say if we are adding a new Item dimension then we can just search for this particular macro in the AOT to find out the areas where there is a need to do some additional coding to get the new InventDimension in to effect. It is also advisable to take the help of cross referrence to complete the change to Inventory Dimension, because there are still some places where this macro has not be located.
Make sure to use this Macro if there is any code that affects inventory dimensions, it would help a lot for your future changes and upgrades.

........ a macro mystery solved   haa haa

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