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Старый 08.05.2009, 18:05   #1  
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AX 2009 Technical Journal: Watch out for the combination of reports as PDF with graphics and batch execution

We have seen this issue in our design and finally Microsoft has now verified (newsgroup microsoft.public.axapta.programming) that AX 2009 has an issue when you use the buildt in PDF functionality for reports containing graphics (logos etc.) and the logic executes as part of a batch job. The reason is that the PDF AX logic uses the Image class to handle the graphic and the Image class is in fact (documented) bound to the client tier. So this is an impossible combination and in my oppinion, a good example of issues in the shadowlands of the changes in the Batch Framework and the default application logic provided by Microsoft.

The solution is to use a PDF printer driver to produce the PDF file, but this should'nt really be necessary since AX has built in support for PDF generation. If you have read some of my earlier blog posts, you will probably notice that we have experienced some major issues when running the application logic in batch under the new Batch Framework and the lesson learned is that you should pay extra attention and put in extra effort to make the batch jobs run as expected.

My best tip is to plan for this as an extra test activity during build (or as an additional payload during testing) and reflect this in the estimates given to the customers. I conclude that the comlexity is rapidly increasing as a consequence of a very good architectural change in AX (server bound batch execution and impersonation), but the application lacks some conditional checks and maybe also some best practise checks in the compiler ("Dear developer, you are trying to call a class on the server that is bound to the client. Please consider your design and look for alternative solutions").

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