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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog: CRM MVPs Make Dynamics Most Influential People Top 100 list

A number of our CRM MVPs were recognized as Microsoft Dynamics Most Influential People Top 100. This annual list consists of influential people for all of the Microsoft Dynamics products, not just Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Microsoft Dynamics is a suite of integrated business management solutions for financial, supply chain and customer relationship management.

The Most Influential People in Microsoft Dynamics for 2011 is based on a number of criteria, and with more than 25,000 unique voters and more than 500,000 votes in total the annual list is now firmly established in the Microsoft Dynamics consciousness. More criteria information is available here.

The following CRM MVPs were recognized:

44 – Jürgen Beck (second award)

Jurgen works as an independent consultant, programmer, trainer and author since 1995. Jurgen is a holder of a diploma in commerce with specialization in Business Information Systems. He graduated in 2002 with excellence from the University of Osnabrück in Germany. In the world of Microsoft technologies he is certified as a MCP, MCAD, MCSD.NET, MCDBA, MCITP, MCSE and MCT. He is also certified as MBS Certified Master and CRM Developer for Microsoft CRM.For his activity on the Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community in Germany he was first awarded with the Microsoft MVP – Most Valuable Professional for Microsoft Visual C# followed by Microsoft Dynamics CRM. He is the first MVP for a Microsoft Business Solutions product in Europe. A consultant, trainer, author and programmer. He was the first MVP for a Microsoft Business Solutions product in Europe, also a MBS Certified Master. His books have created a following of over 3000 for his website and blog. Website:

57 – Frank Lee (second award)

Frank is the President of Workopia Inc a premier Microsoft Dynamics CRM certified specialist for small and medium size businesses across America, Workopia began in 2003 and has grown to be the preeminent Dynamics CRM practice. Frank has been actively involved with Microsoft CRM implementations since v1.0 beta (2002). He has consistently achieved the MVP for Microsoft Dynamics, and his ability to customise not only small CRM solutions but the larger implementations comes from his previous Siebel experience. He is widely renowned in the channel as a speaker and his convergence talks are the most blogged in the CRM space.

97 – Leon Tribe

Dynamics CRM consultant and business thought leader based in Sydney, Australia. Leon regularly applies his skills to improve businesses through applying a strategic focus, implementing transparent processes and using technology to bring everything together. Initially working as a trainer/lecturer, Leon transitioned into technology and started working with CRM systems in the late 1990s. Consulting at Interact Commerce (now part of Sage) on the ACT! and Saleslogix products, Leon moved to Deloittes in 2001 to hone his consulting skills. Leon moved on to work with numerous customers across multiple industries and was part of the first group of consultants in Australia trained on the beta edition of Microsoft CRM 1.0 (now Dynamics CRM). Seeing the future of the product, Leon transitioned to Dynamics CRM and has worked almost exclusively with the product ever since. A prolific business writer, Leon has been writing on consulting and the CRM industry for almost ten years. These days Leon writes and contributes to industry books, writes his humorous syndicated blog, “Leon’s CRM Musings” (, and regularly tweets.



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