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Старый 22.04.2011, 04:14   #1  
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dax-lessons: Sort a container [using X++ , Dynamics AX]

Friends, Recently I was in need of sorting the elements in the container and use them . I am not sure how far this code is helpful to you guys. Below code will help to sort the elements in the … Continue reading →
static void SR_sortContainer(Args _args)
    container con = [5,1,2,'Sumit Loya',9, 'Ashish singh', NoYes::No];
    str temp1;
    str temp2;
    int i;
    int j;
    container sorCon;

    sorCon = con;

    // Sort the container
    for (i = 1; i <= conlen(sorCon); i++)
        for (j = i + 1; j <= conlen(sorCon); j++)
            temp1 = conpeek(sorCon, j);
            temp2 = conpeek(sorCon, i);

            if (temp1 < temp2)
                sorCon = condel(sorCon, j, 1);
                sorCon = conins(sorCon, j, temp2);
                sorCon = condel(sorCon, i, 1);
                sorCon = conins(sorCon, i, temp1);

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Последний раз редактировалось Poleax; 22.04.2011 в 10:45.

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