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Старый 03.12.2014, 19:11   #1  
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Kashperuk Ivan: Tip: Connecting the Warehouse management device portal to a different company or partition in Dynamics AX

As a follow up to my blog post about fixing an annoying error with the warehouse mobile device portal (see original post here), I got a number of people asking the following question:
"How do I install/configure the mobile portal to work in more than one company/partition?"
This is possible, and relatively easy, even though it might not be the most intuitive thing to do. Here's a quick walk-through of allowing work users to access another company account portal.

The Warehouse mobile device portal (WMDP) as of today only supports connecting to a single company account in a single partition. This is driven by the Active directory account used as the identity for the IIS application pool that is used to run the WMDP.

Which means that in order to access another company, we need to:

  • Create another Active directory account
  • Install another instance of the WMDP
    • Use a different port number than the ones already installed
    • Use the above AD user as the identity for the app pool
  • Add a user in AX for the above Active directory account
    • Do it in the partition you want to connect to
    • Set the default company to the one you want to connect to
    • Don't forget to assign the correct security role
    • Hint: You can also set the default user language, which will impact the WMDP site as well
  • Create all the necessary Warehouse management data in the new partition/company. That includes the Display settings, Warehouse workers and mobile device users, warehouses, etc.

Note, that you should avoid having the same AD user (used for WMDP) be part of multiple partitions. Only the first partition (alphabetically) will be connected to, but it becomes confusing for people looking at the data.

Once these steps are complete, you should be able to use the new link (with the new port) to connect to the mobile device portal and log in as a work user from the new company account.

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