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Старый 12.03.2014, 17:51   #1  
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Yesterday evening I spoke at Dutch Dynamics Community event, on invitation by my dear friend Luc van Vugt, and the topic was control add-ins for NAV 2013 R2. Of course, this automatically meant that the audience should see more JavaScript code than C# or C/AL, and that it should be something both fancy and useful.

So how about this: you drag and drop a file onto an NAV page, and the file is automatically uploaded and stored in a BLOB field in the NAV database? And yes, it does the same no matter if you call it from the Windows or the Web client. And yes of course, no external components or dependencies needed.

As I promised, I would make all the source components available for download after the sessions, and if you just want to take the components, here they are, ready to download, install and abuse:

If you want to know how this thing works and why, read on. Otherwise, just download the thingy, install it (the instructions are included with the file) and abuse it to your fancy.

Okay, I see you decided to stay. Good.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain the part about how to create an assembly including the interface that explains to the C/AL compiler which events and methods are supported on the new component. This makes my job easier here, so I’ll focus on the JavaScript right away.

This piece of code appends some HTML to the control:
  • DIV with ID #drop-files to act as a drag & drop host control. It is styled using the embedded CSS
  • DIV with ID #drop-text, which is displayed only if the image is not present
  • IMG with ID #drop-img, which shows the image if it is present
  • DIV with ID #drop-clear, which acts like a button and invokes the C/AL trigger to remove the image from the BLOB

This function receives the image represented as data URI. If there is data, the image is bound as the source of the #drop-img element. If there is no data, image is hidden, and text is shown.

This is the workhorse, from the JavaScript end. This piece of code first enabled the data transfer for the document, and binds a function to respond to the drop event of the DIV control created earlier. The event receives the collection of files (yes, it is technically read to receive multiple files) and then for each file in the collection it initiates the download through the readAsDataURL method. Also, the FileReader instance responds to the onload event by receiving the image data represented as data URI, checks whether the data is indeed image, and does two things – it calls the SendData function I explained earlier and then calls the NAV DataRead trigger to pass the received Data URI image.

The remaining JavaScript code is there to enable drag and drop effects, clicking the DIV to send the request to clear the image, and to instantiate the control. Let’s move to C/AL.

This function is called from the DataRead event trigger, and it receives the text representing the image as data URI. It first checks whether the data URI is correct through a regular expression. If it is, then it takes the part of the match that represents pure image data in Base64, converts it to binary, loads it into a stream, and then copies that stream into the BLOB. Here, the image data is stored into NAV.

One thing remains: to send image data to JavaScript if it exists.

This function loads the image data into the stream, then loads the stream into an Image object to check its format, which is necessary for the data URI that it must return. It starts constructing the data URI by specifying which image format it is, and then finalizes it by converting the memory stream into the Base64 encoded string.

Finally, this method calls the control add-in, and invokes its SendData function. This in turn calls the same SendData function in JavaScript that I’ve explained earlier.

And that’s all. Simple, and functional.

Now, if you haven’t downloaded the demo, don’t waste any more time, just grab your copy and put it to work. If you find it useful, please come back to tap my shoulder and to share with the world how happy you and your customer are with this component and with how much time it saved in your implementation. Cheers!

Read this post at its original location at, or visit the original blog at 5e33c5f6cb90c441bd1f23d5b9eeca34</img> </img>

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