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Старый 04.09.2008, 00:05   #1  
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Dynamics AX: Dynamic Communities Inc. and in Content-
Fresh off the presses:

BRIGHTON, Mass., September 3, 2008 -- Two independent organizations focused on serving users of Microsoft Dynamics products—Dynamics Communities Inc. and—have teamed up to provide top-quality content to their constituencies.

Dynamic Communities Inc. is the administrative support organization for four user groups based on the four main Microsoft Dynamics products—Dynamics AX User Group (AXUG), Dynamics GP User Group (GPUG), Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG), and Dynamics NAV User Group (NAVUG).

The collaboration is taking several forms, including the addition of a news section based on articles from within each user group newsletter. Additionally, reporters will be able to participate in appropriate user group discussions and interview the thought leaders of the groups to enhance the published news articles. Also, the organizations are collaborating on the upcoming gathering of user group members for the Summits of the AX, GP, and CRM User Groups and the Forum of the NAV User Group—all being held in Las Vegas between Sept. 16-24.

According to Andy Hafer, executive director of Dynamic Communities, “We have been striving to add value for our members on a number of fronts. Working with the folks at is a key addition. It enables us to offer a rapidly expanding selection of high-value news about Microsoft Dynamics industry, issues, and challenges, using the reporting expertise of”

Adam Berezin,’s CEO, stated: “This collaboration with the user groups supported by Dynamic Communities introduces us to a wide variety of committed Dynamics users, who can help us improve our level of reporting and analysis. We look forward to maximizing the value of this for the benefit of Dynamics users around the world.”

For further information, contact:

Andy Hafer, CEO, Dynamic Communities Inc.

Adam Berezin, CEO,

"Visit the Dynamics AX Community Page today!"

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