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Dynamics AX: e-Con 4.0 Domains issue
Источник: http://dynamics-ax.blogspot.com/2008...ins-issue.html
============== If you ever have to 'move' from one isntance of DAX 4.02, IEM 2.3 / e-COn 4.0 to a new instance, say DAX 4.02, IEM 2.3.1, e-COn 4.0 you might run into some issues. One of the issues I ran into, was being able to create domains in the new instance. Since this instance was not 'setup' during a normal setup process, like you would in a new instance, there had to be some 'smart' setups done. The reason is, once we had the new instance up, we could not get all the domains to import over. So we wanted to re-create them. In doing so, we went to the domains menu item: ![]() And the right clicked in the now empty space for where domains are contained, and the left clicked on new domain. When doing this we got the flowing error: ![]() (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) So this made me scratch my head a little bit. After thinking this through, and recalling that we did not run through a typical setup, that lead me to the e-Con setup form. On this e-Con setup form, inside Dynamics AX, there are four tabs. The last tab named 'Repository' is where I went in this form. From there I noticed that there was nothing listed in the Metadata domain model & Metadata model fields. After seing this, I compared to my old instance, and saw that the values: 'MDDOMAINS' & 'MDMODEL' where in these fields. From here I proceeded to the EConGenericModel table and exported these models. I then imported these models, with expected errors. These errors (so far) are not true errors as they do not stop this process. Once these models where in the new instance,I then set the field values to these models, pushed 'Crtl+S' to save the record setup, and then went back into the e-COn Studio. At this point I could create a domain. ![]() So, in hopes of helping others (and possibly myself) in the future of dealing with this possible issue, I posted this. Check back soon for more!Find a job at: DynamicsAXJobs.com, also post a job for only $99.00! ============== Источник: http://dynamics-ax.blogspot.com/2008...ins-issue.html
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