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Старый 18.07.2011, 15:25   #1  
ideveloper is offline
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AIF Same SourceEndpoint in different Companies
Hi all.

Is it a good practice when I use the same name for the Source Endpoint (with different Destination Endpoints of course) or should a company have a Source Endpoint with own "name"?

I have tested the both solution. The difference (as I can see) is only the logging of the Messages:
Same name for Source Endpoint -> Messages are shown in the both companies
Different Source Endpoint names -> Messages are shown according to the companies

What is here the best practice?

Старый 18.07.2011, 16:52   #2  
Vadik is offline
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Is it a good practice when I use the same name for the Source Endpoint (with different Destination Endpoints of course)
Ideally the system should not let you do so as now the external party cannot identify the sender
Should a company have a Source Endpoint with own "name"?
-ТСЯ или -ТЬСЯ ?
Старый 19.07.2011, 10:20   #3  
ideveloper is offline
34 / 11 (1) +
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Thank you for your answer.

Ideally the system should not let you do so as now the external party cannot identify the sender
=> There are restrictions only on the Destination Endpoint; the name of the Source Endpoint is free choosable
aif, source endpoint


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