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Старый 24.11.2009, 00:05   #1  
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lcash: External networking and home networks

I had a question from Kerry in Canada about having trouble getting the demo VM setup to use external networking. We did a bit of investigation and this might be a common question for folks wanting to use external networking on the demo VM while connected to some networks, specifically common on home networks.

In the past I’ve posted a note on setting up external networking on the demo VM. See here

You’ll need the external networking for activating office for example. But if you are running on a home network that is using a network gateway, like a wireless connection point you might have a clash IP addresses on the first network card and the gateway. For example a common IP address with these devices is which is the fixed IP address that we have setup on the demo VM. You can work around this with a few changes on the demo VM. This video will help out.


(double click to view full screen)



Original note posted to

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