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Старый 20.04.2009, 22:30   #9  
belugin is offline
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Сотрудники Microsoft Dynamics
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Все прочее - .Net, Java, Ruby, Python, Erlang, Lua компиляторами не является.
The javac tool reads class and interface definitions, written in the Java programming language, and compiles them into bytecode class files


The C# compiler can be invoked at the command line by typing the name of its executable file (csc.exe) on the command line. You may need to adjust your path if you want csc.exe to be invoked from any subdirectory on your computer.

The Compiler application compiles Erlang code to byte-code. The highly compact byte-code is executed by the Erlang emulator.

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The ycr2js program reads the binary core file specified (.yca or .ycr), and performs conversion of Haskell functions compiled into Core to their Javascript representation storing the generated Javascript code in a file. Resulting Javascript may be embedded on a (X)HTML page to be loaded into a Web browser.